Jenabou's Palace
About Me

Alright,if yall really wanna know stuff about me...

I'm almost 17 years old
my full name is Jennifer Nicole Boutilier
my pen name is Jenna-Nicole
I currently live in Ardmore Oklahoma
but home is where the heart is and my hearts in Bridgewater
I have a dog and a cat
2 brothers
and one sister that is my best friend
I love the beach and partyin
and well yeah....i got nothing (or Jill "I don not have anythign")

I've been through my share of tough times in life but I've learned its only made me stronger. I am who I am because of the friends I have. They are the best in the world and I would be beyond lost without them.I love them dearly with all of my heart. I've also learned that true love is hard to find...but when you're in's magic. The world is your playground and nothing can tear you down...untill you get a broken heart. But then all you can do is put it back together and do the same thign all over again.
Life is too short to worry about the small things so do what you wanna do seize the moment and party up

A truck; Actual size=240 pixels wide


These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

*Sunshine,on my shoulders,makes me happy...*

Blue Gum
Jilly's nose
Being complimented
Thunder and Lightning
my "mom"
Doc Otis
Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers
People playing with my hair
Myrtle Beach
Tropical Fish
Meeting new people
A good book
Greg (off Survivor)
Watching Hockey
KD! =)
Mr. Nice Guy's
Penny Candy
Full Moons

Favorite Quotes

~The moments pass by quickly,but the memories last forever~

~Never give up on the good times~

~The hardest part of moving forward is not looking back~

_When it hurts to look back,and you're scared to look ahead,you can look beside you and your best friends will be there_

_We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go we take a little of each other everywhere_

_Don't cry because it's over,smile because it happend_

_Everythings okay in the end,if its not okay its not the end_


Sisterly Love | Confessions of a Cowgirl | The Chicks I Dig The Most | Girly Pics | My Home Boys | Boyish Pics | *Poetry ala Jenabou* | Written From the heart for Jenabou | About Me | Sing It To Me Mammy