Jenabou's Palace
The Chicks I Dig The Most

These are my girlfriends.
I have the best in the world
and I love each and every one of yall

Sammy^you put a twinkle in my eye with all our hilarious antics.I cherish every memorie we ever made.And I miss you more than you can imagine.Never let your laughter fade for you'll always be in my heart. Live it up for me while I'm gone and Ill be home soon! Spring break baybee! xo

Zee^Thank you for making this easier on me,yet harder at the same time.In one year you became everything to me and that will never change.You were always right there when ever I needed you,no matter how small it was.You've always given me reason to smile and I love you for it.Thank you for being my jew and for "getting it" I'll never let go of our friendship xo

Lola^Quite the summer full of memories.I wouldn't of had it any other way.Since grade 5 our friendship has only grown.I love you with all my heart and miss you just as much.Thank you for always understanding me and helping me thru the works.even tho I'm miles away i haven't gone anywhere im ALWAYS gonne be here for you.xo

Nic^We've been up down and everywhere in between together.Thanks for never giving up on me and helping me thru the rough stuff.I'll never forget all you've done and what you continue to do.No matter where I end up you'll always be in my heart. xo

Jill^MY MOM,you're always keeping me laughing and I love that about you. From dryers to corn puff pillows we've done it all. You warmed my heart so many times.We always have a good time when we are together no matter what!And you are one of the most beautiful people i know,inside and out and don't ever let anyone suggest differently.I love you for you don't ever change.I LOVE YOU MOM and your big ass honker!

MoJo^best nickname ever:)Thank you for being there thru out the years and picking me up whenever I happened to fall.You've been there thru it days won't ever be the same without our spare.And never forget you still look good with a big nose! xo

Tiff^where do I begin?Your kind heart and true nature always seems to bring out the best in me.We've been making wonderful memories since grade5 t-ball in gym never forget how it all begin.Im thinking of you and loving you always.xo

Erica^My true betty. We've been thru a lot together chick and I'm not giving up on ya now. I'm always gonna be here jus tliek before.Your gorgeous,don't ever forget that!
"Drunk chicks think I'm hot......I DO I DO" ahahah i love us and our evilness friends till the end babe xo

Britny^My G funk dancing bud.Damn we are crazy fools and i love it...and miss it lots.We ALWAYS had a great time together...laughing at nothing at all, gettin high on a rock behind the olf folks home you name it! Thanks for being such a great friend and always lifting my spirits. I love ya Bee xo

Annabella^ my beautiful second......couldn't have done it without ya.I want you to know how truly amazing you are.
We are letting go and moving on together.....i miss our light night bondages,I could really use some of that right now.You mean a lot to me babe.... just hang in there and stay strong for me because i know true love is out there waiting for you, just don't be scared to embrace it

Sargent Heather^We are pure hatefullness when we are together.Burning anna......and everyonee else in sight.
Takin care of drunken asses and cleaning up after them.
Laughing and their hang overs the next morning.
Laughing forever over nothing at I miss it.
We've mad precioud memories that i wouldnt trade for the world I love you Heather,just the way you are. NEVER change

Amanda(Silver)^It never was an issue of team "grace" or team boutilier" it was that we were a TEAM all of us together untied we stood and divided we fell.I know we've had our spats but underneath it all you still were important to me. many laughs and tears on and off the ice.
Ill never forget 'em!! Keep dreaming babe

~When it hurts to look behind you and you're scared to look ahead you can look beside you and your best friends will always be there~

Bethany^not only my sister but my strong hold.We have a bond that will never be broken. Theres not a better sister in the world. You are so strong and beautiful I admire you completely. Thanks for going thru it all before me so I had someone to tlak to when it was my turn. Us Boutilier girls are stong enough to face anything that comes our way !Tho we are far apart from each other you are in my heart always
Missing you tons can't wait til christmas

Trace^and then!?Even tho we only had a lil time 2gether we managed to make so many great memories that Ill never forget.Cant wait for you to come and visit.Thanks for all the laughs even tho sometimes it was at your expense;) Your a good sport Trace and a great friend.xo

Ange^the cheapest drunk I know! But its all in good fun you gave me hilarious memories to hold on to,I hope the feeling returns to your arms babe!Keep on drinkin and livin it up.xo

Kate^I'll never forget those endless summer nights at your house back in our innocent days! They soon turned into drunken parties and I loved every minute of it!Youalways managed to make the most of things no matter what the situation. For being at the top of your grade your such a brain donor sometimes!I'll never forget all your stupid moments:) xo

Robyn^ Thank you for always listening to my problems. You helped me out in more ways then you know!We have had many good laughs together CROT ROTCH.Thank you for he good times and take care fo that boy for me!

Alli^my southern chick indeed!Just cos I miss home doesn't mean I dont love ya to death,thanks so much for making it easier here in native america,You are a true southern belle and i luv ya we'll sort yer boy probs out someday ;)xo

Candace^My sexy bitch forever and always.You've always been there to help me the best way you could and for that I could never thank you enough.We've grown and healed together and thats not gonna change now.You are such an amazing person and don't deserve any of this shit you've had to go thru.I'll never forget all you've done for me.Baulfest buddies forever xo

Sarah^My crazyFun truro girl!We've had some good times and some good laughs together babe!I luv ya.Our visit was the best never forget those nasty guys on the ferry!And may the memory live on that i got a 7-enderon yer ass my last season of junior curling ever. :) Good luck with canada games i hope yall make it.Thanks for always being there to listen to my problems.....lord knows i have plenty!miss ya xo

Mary^my cuteQuiet truro girl.I love ya babe we're awsome keeping all that shit from crusty and making her look like a fool!You're a special girl with lots to offer don't let yucky boys tell ya any different!keep dreaming.luv ya xo

Christie^my crustyNuts Truro girl!Your wicked babe.Remember your an amazing girl and your beautiful inside and out,don't let guys get to you so much the right one will come along soon I promise.You deserve a good one. luv ya xo

Laura Nowosad^Your right one minute man couldn't,and never will be able to stand up to the pressure. haahah poor kid but thats what he gets. We are awsome babe and don't forget it.Its kinda a shame that we had to bond over hurt feelings tho...but in a way I'm glad it happened.I know your gonna find your true love (again*cough cough*) so just hang in there and don't let anyone bring you down. Im always here

Megan Reid^The cutie that gave me a light,and a smile on Canada day!You're awsome babe i love our talks!! You have a pretty bookbag! haahah Snow in our hair. I can't wait to come home and road trip it up with ya!! We're gonna have a blast.I'll just hope in my jet right now and meet ya in 10 mins!I wish!!Keep smiling babe!

Jenny^ I love moving away from the town i grew up in and leaving all my friends and the people i love....really its my fetish! Hahahahaah so many good times!We've had our little flare ups but we always came out laughin. Your a great girl with lots to offer. Keep your head up!

Jeno^ You are a beautiful girl inside and out. Never let some asshole or some jealous bitch tell you any differently. I love you and all our speddish antics.
We always managed to find somethign funny in everything!
You make me,and so many other people laugh...and thats a special gift.Hang on to it! HI JEN

Emily^ The best part is i just put my finger in there.! OH ym quite the weekend in Chester we had. From freezing our asses off to boring our asses off!! Running from killer dogs in the snow!! No i wanna do that again,just next time with more people watching! I love ya babe!just keep on doing you thang!

yeah....i got lazy..I'll be adding more real soon



Sisterly Love | Confessions of a Cowgirl | The Chicks I Dig The Most | Girly Pics | My Home Boys | Boyish Pics | *Poetry ala Jenabou* | Written From the heart for Jenabou | About Me | Sing It To Me Mammy

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