Jenabou's Palace
Written From the heart for Jenabou

These were written for me by people who love me,or at least used to

I see you in the halls
my day brightens so much
when we laugh together
i feel very warm inside
when i think about the future
all i see is you and me
living the happiest life together

when i say i love you i mean it
and i know you feel the same
who cares about the other girls
all i need is you
you are my everything
my life
my love
I love you jen.
this is the best i could do of a poem
~Jeremy Paul Stevens~

To Jen,

The way you hug,
The way you kiss,
The way you jerk me,
The way your body touches mine,
The way you look into my eyes,
The way you tickle me,
The way you touch my chest,
All the times you are there for me,
The way you never give up,
When you make me food all the time,
Damn good food to,
The way you smile,
The nose thingy we do,
The way you gett annoyed of..,
ASSHOLE (the card game!),
When you pretend to get mad at me,
Then you kiss me,
These are just some added bonuses,
But all i really need is........
Your Love for me.
~Jeremy Paul Stevens~

dont forget the times we had
some were good and some were bad
we were like 2 newly weds
but somehow some way
we started falling away
don't let go
somewhere in your heart there is
something holding on
if you can't find it
look harder cause it is there
we know we are meant to be
we love and cherish each other
just hold on to me
~Jeremy Paul Stevens~

When i look at you
all i see is joy
but when you say you are in rage
i doubt myself and
why you are here
Is it love?
i hope so
i can;t live without you
we have had good time and bad
we laughed and cried
and i know we can make it
cause it is loves that brings us together
~Jeremy Paul Stevens~

I may not be the nicest guy always
I may not be the perfect bf
but i do know i love you
with all my heart
all i wanna do is spend time with you
to see your face
to hold your hand
to lean on your shoulder
to talk to you
i dunno if it will happen anything soon
all i can do is pray and say
that I love you
~Jeremy Paul Stevens~

When i see you not happy
i feel like i did it
i probably did
but i just want to fix it
you know you love me and i love you
we deserve each other too
we have been together for a long time
so why let it go now
why can;t we just be good again
i am sorry i do this to you
it is just that i love you
and want to be with you
love is a beautiful thing
and you are beautiful
~Jeremy Paul Stevens~


thinkin back on those days i never thought that you wanted me
now that i think about it you showed every sign,
how could i been so blind.
even though your heart does not belong to me
its you i only see...

you forced me to choose and i didnt know what id loose!!
and look and me now i cant get over you!


why didnt i didnt i think about it longer
why didnt i didnt i act a little stonger
remember me, i was young and confused
i didnt know what to do


so i sat back and watched you take another path
in this life that you lead
those days went by so fast
those days your love for me wouldnt last
you couldnt wait for the day that my heart would fall for you
~Patrick Landon Scott~

The sun shines bright and full of life
It warms all it touches
and brings joy to all
Its energy is powerful
and everything
and everyone who is within its sight
feels all the warmth and happiness it brings
And even in a sea of darkness
it still shines bright
~Aaron Williams~

To Jen :

I didn't think you'd talk to me
Being his ex and all
But within you I found a friend
Who understood how hard I'd fall

You listened to my cries
Helped me through the downs
You made me laugh and smile
To forget about the frowns

We had a common hurt
But we found a better end
We have each other now
Love isn't as good as a friend

Tomorrow brings another challenge
Another sorrow, or hopefully joy
I don't need to cry anymore
You reminded me he's just a boy

Problems are easing now
I don't need to lean on you as much
But I'm always here for you too
When you're feeling out of touch

Thanks for being such a good friend
It was almost impossible to do
I don't think I could've done this all
If it hadn't have been for you J

Luv: Laura
~Laura Nowosad~

__The Gift__
Four years past I'd fealt empty, there seemed to be a rift,
that changed when heaven opened up and sent earth down a gift
It's package was quite beautiful, creamy skin and long dark hair,
eyes that shone for life itself, her smile lit the very air
Inside the "box" the gift itself, was every bit as priceless,
a caring, kind and gentle soul, moral just and righteous
when the gift walked before me, I couldn't help but look,
the perfection had intrigued me so, it seemed to draw me with a hook
When I talked to her nothing mattered, just to have her there,
the world could have been burning down, and i wouldn't have cared
You don't know how you've bettered my life, you've not the slightest clue,
always picking me up when i'm down, i thank the lord for you
the wrong time for relationships, i always thought you were just a crush,
it took you moving for me to realize, what i fealt for you was love
the spot in my heart is where you'll stay, when we aren't together,
its deep enuff to keep you there, to climb out would take forever
~Ryan George Jameson~



Sisterly Love | Confessions of a Cowgirl | The Chicks I Dig The Most | Girly Pics | My Home Boys | Boyish Pics | *Poetry ala Jenabou* | Written From the heart for Jenabou | About Me | Sing It To Me Mammy

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