Jenabou's Palace
My Home Boys

These are my doggs,gyeah...

Chirs^My better half-So much to thank you for and so little space,so I'll just thank you for everyhting and making each day brighter. We've been thru alot but got thru it all,together.That will never change im always gonna be here to lend an ear or a shoulder or whatever you may need.You're in my heart and you'll be in my dreams no matter how many miles between. You've been the best friend possible to me,love ya xo

Sperry^I friggin love you man.You've been a great friend to me and helped me smile whenever ya could.We've made lotsa memories sober and drunk.....on and off the ice.I'm gonne miss curing with you bud.Too bad things never worked out for us but I think it all turned our just great.Hang in there hun and I know you'll find the happiness you deserve.I'm yer bootfrig always xo

Michael^You made my last Canadian summer perfect right down to the last minute.Thank you for being so good to me.Things seem a little different now but I'll never forget all you've done for me.You're unforgetable and the best snuggler ever,can't wait to get married ;) xo

Jeremy^Even tho things didn't turn out the way we planned I still owe you a lot. You made my first experience with love a memorable one. I will never ever forget you. Thank you for helping me grow and find myself along the way but mostly thanks for making my dreams come true.I'm everything I am because you loved me.You're always in my heart,for now,forever.I know we'll find each other again,when the time is right.And we'll finally build all those dreams we made together-true love can't ever be broken xo"Missing you isn't the hardest part, knowing I once had you is what breaks my heart"

Patrick^I guess I always thought things would end up differnt for us.We've had many good times 2gether w/ruff times 2 match.thanks for the smiles.But I'll never understand how your mind works. Or why you say the things you do?.You can Keep hurting me and try as hard as you want to make me hate but the truth of the matter is it's just never gonna happen. I really dont know what to say anymore........

Ian^After all this time you still hold a very special place in my heart.You've been a great friend thru good times and bad.Always there for a smile.I'll never forget all you've done.No matter how far we end up drifting apart I'll always remember you as my best friend...cos that's what you are.roomies forever!luv ya xo

Garret^I love ya babe you always keep me laughin' SOME SHIT
i miss drinking at your place in the heat! Those were the good times.You're an amazing guy with a true heart don't ever give up on yourself.your happiness is out there somewhere waiting for you. luv ya babe xo

Crouse&DJ^my favorite drinking guys.we've had so many hilarious drunk moments together I'll never forget them.Burn you like a forest fire,throw you in a swamp,ya'll always showed me a good time with lotsa smiles. thanks boys;) luv yas xo

Dave Lipsett^it's a shame we became so close when our time together was short.We shared a lot ,A LOT of great laughs tho.SOUTH NORTHWEST EAST YOUR MOTHER!!!!! never forget the good times babe.DEATH!And try not to worry so much about life and its level of shittiness its bound to get better someday and when it does I'll be glad cos you deserve all the happiness in the world luv ya xo

Ryan(Reggie)^Oh how I treasure our solid friendship.You've always been there for me to cheer my sorry ass up. And for that and so much more I thank you. I appreciate all you've done all tho im sure it hardly shows.You're always in my heart xo

Andy^Best prom date ever!! We did look damn cute together eh?Thanks for taking me even tho im sure you woulda rathered of been there with anyone else haahah I had a great time and a sexy date ;) luv ya xo

Aaron^ MY shelter from the storm. Always there for me thur the best of times as well as thru the worst of times. Couldn't have made it without ya babe!I can't wait for you to come visit!! We'll get DRUNK for cheap!Thank you for always putting a smile on my face,whether it be with one of your witty jokes or one of your beautiful poems. Ill never forget all you've done for me kiddo!luv ya

Robby^ You are always managing to dig yourself a hole! Luckily for you you have me to get ya out.You are such a sweetie with a true heart.Always warming my heart with your kind words.I miss ya lots hun and ill come live with you someday I promise. And who knows...maybe we'll make another contract!! xo

John-Gavin^My sexy first luv!! How many times did we go out? liek 3 million hahaah luv ya babe. I'll never forget our classic first kiss it was amazing!Your sucha sweetie to me and a great friend! Thanks. and we will re-live that kiss again some day!



Sisterly Love | Confessions of a Cowgirl | The Chicks I Dig The Most | Girly Pics | My Home Boys | Boyish Pics | *Poetry ala Jenabou* | Written From the heart for Jenabou | About Me | Sing It To Me Mammy

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